Listening with the Ear of the Heart: New Ways to Encounter the Divine – Workshop with Nóirín Ní Riain

Listening with the Ear of the Heart: New Ways to Encounter the Divine – Workshop with Nóirín Ní Riain, world-acclaimed spiritual singer and theologian, in the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan

This workshop scheduled for Saturday 26 September next from 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. will now take place on SATURDAY 21 NOVEMBER 2015 – the Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple – at the same times.

Nóirín says “This day of the presentation of Mary in the Temple is when we might consider what we could offer at our own heart- temple to God; when we might call on Anna, mother of Mary and patron of grandmothers and mothers – both of which we all have –  for help and strength; when we will re-discover and reclaim the original meaning and sacredness of this beautiful season of Advent, a time of great preparation for the birth of Christ in our own lives.” 

The workshop is available for everyone who is seeking peace, spirituality and comfort in their lives and in their relationship with God. It will include reflections on scripture, poetry, chant, gentle movement, sharing and humour. Cost per participant: €50 (payable in advance please) which includes refreshments and a light lunch. Please contact the Centre on 049 4375004 before Monday 16 November 2015 to register interest in participating or to book place.