A Milestone for Kilmore Diocese as Lay Pastoral Ministry Journey Begins: 

A Milestone for Kilmore Diocese – Lay Pastoral Ministry Journey Begins: 

On Saturday 15 February last, twenty-one dedicated participants of the Lay Pastoral Ministry Programme in the Diocese of Kilmore took their first step on a six-month journey of discernment at St. Aidan’s High School in Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh. Representing 19 different parishes, the group consists of eight men and thirteen women.

Leading them on the day was Fr Hugh Lagan, a priest of the Society of African Missions and a distinguished Chartered Clinical Psychologist. With his deep well of spiritual and psychological wisdom, shaped by years of guiding retreats worldwide, Fr Hugh offered invaluable insights to the group on call to ministry, among other topics. Also present in support were Martina Gilmartin, Director of Pastoral Development and Faith Formation, and Sean Coll, Director of the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre.

As these individuals take this time to discern their call to ministry, let us keep them in our prayers. May they walk this path with courage and faith, secure in the wisdom of God, our loving Father.