A Prayer for the COP27 Summit


Inspired by LAUDATO SI’, the Encyclical Letter written by Pope Francis ON CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME


“We know that technology based on the use of highly polluting fossil fuels – especially coal, but also oil and, to a lesser degree, gas – needs to be progressively replaced without delay” (LS 165).



Lord, we thank you for the gift of creation and we ask for your forgiveness.   We humans are profoundly responsible for the environmental degradation that we are experiencing.

The Planet is under immense pressure.  In growing consciousness, we are becoming painfully aware that everything is connected and interdependent. 

As we undergo an ecological conversion, we ask that this pain transitions to hope as we endeavour to find new ways to rectify our transgressions.

We pray in earnest for a ‘Just Transition’ from fossil fuels to more sustainable energy sources; a better future, whereby, our biosphere, nature and humanity are at the centre of the energy transition. 

We ask that those in positions of authority, power and wealth shoulder their grave responsibilities and recognise the immense consequences their actions have for the wellbeing of our planet and its inhabitants. 

We are all brothers and sisters.  May each one of us make ever increasing daily decisions and actions to lessen our environmental impact on the planet.

Strengthen us to take care of the individuals and communities who are suffering the catastrophic effects of droughts, fires, floods and storms.

We trust in you O Lord.  You are with us, working in us and through us.  All things will be made new.  We thank you and we bless you.
