People can be so cruel to one another. The joy of life is often stolen from us by people seeking to entrap us or pass judgement on our actions or those of others. Here Jesus encounters such people with a narrow judgemental mind-set ready to punish the woman in order to achieve their own political...
Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Lent – Laetare Sunday
In this Year of Mercy, the parable of the Prodigal Son, one of the most human and emotional encounters in the Gospels, is so fitting for reflection. When we stray away from the Lord, no matter what we have done, we are confident and assured he will always accept us back through the Sacrament of...
Diocesan John Paul II Awards 2015
POPE JOHN PAUL II AWARDS PRESENTED IN THE DIOCESE OF KILMORE 55 young people from across the diocese of Kilmore were recently presented with their Pope John Paul II Awards at a special ceremony in the Chapel of the Diocesan Pastoral Centre in Cavan by Cardinal Seán Brady, Archbishop-Emeritus of Armagh, a native of the...
Taking our Hearts to the Lord – A Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent
Jesus in the first part of today’s gospel, responds to the stories of the atrocities committed by Pilate’s cruelty and those eighteen who were killed by the collapsing tower of Siloam, by first focussing on the victims of these atrocities. Jesus challenges the assumptions of his listeners who would have supposed that the victims were...
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Training
An eight week course in Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction begins in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre on Wednesday 2 March from 7:00p.m. to 9:15p.m. Course Fee: €270. To enrol or for further information, please contact Helen on 087 4129385 or by email [email protected]
Further Safetalk Opportunities
There will further SAFETALK Training opportunities in the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre on Tuesday 15 March and Wednesday 13 April from 9:30a.m. to 1:00p.m. on both days. SAFETALK is a half day training programme that prepares participants to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. These specific skills are called suicide...
Taking Our Hearts to the Lord – A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent
Do we truly believe the promises of our baptism, that we are to share in Christ’s mission and His radiant glory? This passage invites us to enter this mystery. On Tabor Jesus was so present to, and so immersed in God, that “the aspect of his face was changed”. We are also told that...
Taking Our Hearts to the Lord – A Reflection for the First Sunday of Lent
The three temptations and the forty days’ fast of Jesus are set in a wilderness, and they recall the forty years of Israel’s testing in the wilderness. Unlike the Israelites, who were not always faithful to God, Jesus completed the time of His testing, by remaining true to his vocation as Son of God....
Approaching Easter – A timely reflection by Fr. Ultan McGoohan, Chair of the Board of Management
Easter falls early this year. While Christmas has a certain sentimental glamour attached to it, people as they grow older often discover a deeper appreciation of Easter. With the exception of the ubiquitous chocolate eggs, Easter is not colonised by commercialism to the extent that Christmas is. The story of the passion of Jesus Christ...
Pioneer Lenten Challenge 2016
Pioneer Lenten Challenge = Many people abstain from alcohol and take the Short-Term Pledge for the duration of Lent. Make your Lenten pledge by visiting and joining online, by contacting your local Pioneer centre representative, or contacting Raymond O’Connor on (01) 874 9464. Take this opportunity to help someone you know/love with an alcohol or...