Accord’s New Advertising Campaign: ‘If you can’t talk to each other…talk to Accord’
The largest counselling service in Ireland, Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG (Accord), supported by Tusla, the Child and Family Agency, has launched a multi-channel advertising campaign – across digital platforms, social media, local newspapers and radio – to offer hope (support ) to individuals, couples and their families, where relationships are experiencing tension, anxiety...
Vacancy – Full Time National Director of Accord CLG
For information on the above post, please see the following link: Ad – Accord CLG Director
Tree-Planting in the Grounds of the Diocesan Pastoral Centre
Bishop Martin brought his farming experience to Kilmore recently, planting trees as part of the ongoing programme of upkeeping the grounds surrounding the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre. He was assisted by Mr. Adge King, Chairperson of the Board of Management of the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre and a member of the St. Patrick’s Diocesan Trust....
Very Reverend Eugene Clarke P.E. R.I.P. – Funeral Mass Homily
The homily preached by Monsignor Liam Kelly during the Funeral Mass for the late Very Reverend Eugene Clarke, P.E., which was celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church, Drumcor on Monday 4 January 2021, may be accessed at
Very Rev. Eugene Clarke P.E. R.I.P.
Very Rev. Eugene Clarke P.E. R.I.P. Retired Parish Priest of the Parish of Kilmore (Ballinagh & Drumcor) 10 June 1931 – 1 January 2021 Your prayers are asked for the happy repose of the soul of the late Fr. Eugene (Gene) Clarke who passed away on Friday 1 January 2021, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother...
A Christmas Message from Bishop Martin Hayes for 2020
Christmas 2020 – Touched by Vulnerability I spent Christmas 1995 in Kenya visiting my brother John and his wife Marie who were at that time lay missionaries working with the Kiltegan Fathers in Kitui. It was going to be a very different Christmas away from home and due to the warmer African temperatures. We decided...
A Christmas Blessing from all the team in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre:
A Christmas Blessing from all the team in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre: May the joy of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, the worship of the wise men and the peace of the Christ child be yours this Christmas. May Christ, who by his incarnation gathered into one all things earthly and all...
Parish Webcam/Digital Media Links in the Diocese of Kilmore – Christmas 2020
Parish Webcam/Digital Media Links in the Diocese of Kilmore – Christmas 2020: This Christmas will be celebrated very differently in our parishes because of the current COVID-19 restrictions. For those who are unable to attend Mass over the Christmas and New Year period in person, a number of parishes in the diocese (and beyond) now...
Cathedral Carol Service 2020
Cathedral Carol Service 2020: This year’s Carol Service from the Cathedral of SS. Patrick and Felim in Cavan took place online last Sunday evening with no congregation present in the Cathedral to comply with current COVID-19 restrictions. Bishop Martin Hayes presided at the Service. A recording of the Carol Service may be accessed by...