Celebrating Priesthood in the Diocese of Kilmore in this Year of Prayer for Vocations (8)


Celebrating Priesthood in the Diocese of Kilmore in this Year of Prayer for Vocations (8):

The memory I would like to share is one of a time of great fear and worry in my life. 

Our daughter was 7 weeks when she took very ill and was in hospital in our local hospital. As she got progressively worse she was being transferred to Dublin to ICU. 

My husband and I have never been so terrified in our lives and we followed behind the ambulance. We did not know what to do or even say to each other. The journey Dublin was a blur but the following day I received an email from my parish priest. To my surprise it was actually a reply to an email I had sent on that journey in the car. I didn’t remember sending it but it seems that my thoughts and my faith led me to send it. When I didn’t know where else to turn I knew I could turn to my priest. Over the following days he kept in touch praying for my daughter and for our family and he was such a guide support and his emails and words provided great comfort. Thankfully our little girl made a full recovery and is a regular in the congregation at Mass in our parish.