Episcopal Crest & Motto of our New Bishop

Episcopal Crest & Motto of our New Bishop: 

Following a custom dating from the mid-twelfth century, most bishops adopt a crest or coat-of-arms. The bishop chooses elements that hold personal meaning for him in relation to his ministry, and these are combined in a display on a shield. Heraldic tradition places a stylised hat called a galero above the shield, shown in green, with six tassels on either side, and behind the shield a processional cross.

Bishop Martin’s crest has two sections and two background colours. On the left is a representation of the Kilmore crest with Jerusalem Cross, Pastoral Staff and Mitre. On the right is Bishop Martin’s personal expression of how we as a pilgrim people (Camino Shell) are anchored in our faith in being invited to be part of the relationship of the Trinity (Shamrock) through the Eucharist (Grain and the Grapes).

As his motto, displayed below the shield, Bishop Martin has chosen ‘Your steadfast love endures’ (Ps 136:6) to indicate that God’s love is paramount. God’s love is evident from the moment of creation, estimated by cosmologists to be some 13.8 billion years ago, leading to the formation of stars, the galaxies, our solar system to include the Earth, the beginning of plant life, animal life and human life. Each one of us is ‘made in the image and likeness of God’ (Genesis 1:27) and each one of us is called to respond to God’s love in our loving of each other and our caring for all of life.