No Mow May – Message from Kilmore Care of Creation Group


Inspired by LAUDATO SI’, the Encyclical Letter written by Pope Francis ON CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME – 


Join the No Mow May Movement Today!

Connect with Nature and Protect the Planet and Humanity!

When we speak of the “environment”, what we really mean is a relationship existing between nature and the society which lives in it (Laudato S1′ 39). 

 Jesus lived in full harmony with creation (Laudato Si’ 98).

Mowing your lawn once every four to six weeks has enormous benefits for nature, communities and the climate.  By creating a space for wildlife and plants to flourish, you can enhance biodiversity, tackle pollution and lock carbon below ground!

Studies have shown that more than 200 species of wildflower – such as pollen and nectar-rich Clover, Dandelions, Daisies and Buttercups, Bird’s-foot-trefoil, Knapweed and Self-heal – would grow on lawns if we would only let them. 

By allowing our native wildflowers to grow in our gardens, parks, roadside verges, and field margins, not to mention, in the gardens of schools, religious properties, hospitals and business we can provide wild pollinators such as bees, hoverflies, butterflies and beetles with an abundant and rich food source. 

This in turn, benefits insects and birds, frogs and hedgehogs and provides for an overall healthy ecosystem. 

Many of our foods are dependent on pollinators, so this is a win-win for both planet and humanity.

To enhance your green space, consider building a bug hotel, create a wildlife pond, erect a bird box or simply plant a native tree.  No action is too small!

For additional resources: 

Everyday Ways to Save Our Planet (2022) by Laura Tobin