Synodal Sunday Reflection – 27 August 2023

Sr Karen Kent, OSU, Ursuline Sister and Member of the AMRI Synod Working Group, reminds us that synodality asks us to become witnesses who accompany one another on our journey of faith. It calls us to places of encounter with all people – those who believe and those who do not; to reach out to those who are farthest away from Christ and the Church, those who are hostile towards us, those who feel let down or who have been hurt, those who are indifferent. Sr Karen says, as we explore together what it means to be a synodal Church and we are asked the same question by Jesus (who do you say I am?) can we answer the same as Peter?  With a wholehearted profession of faith which is demonstrated in our daily life by our love, our service and our compassion for all people?

The reflection may be accessed at the following link: