Taking Our Hearts to the Lord – A Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent


2nd Sunday of Lent

Do we truly believe the promises of our baptism,  that we are to share in Christ’s mission and His radiant glory?  This passage invites us to enter this mystery.

On Tabor Jesus was so present to, and so immersed in God, that “the aspect of his face was changed”.  We are also told that Moses and Elijah were present and spoke with Him “of his passing, which he was to accomplish in Jerusalem.”

The whole scene prefigures Calvary where Jesus will also be flanked by two figures, two criminals.  Here Jesus will also be transformed or rather deformed by suffering and death, but as we know, this is not the end!

Through Jesus’ transfiguration Peter, James and John catch a glimpse of who Jesus truly is and of future glory … but dark days must first be endured.  Their entry into the reality they experience is for a later time and given to sustain them through the turmoil and confusion of Jesus’ trial and brutal execution.

Now I suggest to you that transfiguration is not a solitary event but one that happens over and over again.  For example, during his public life Jesus transfigured many people, especially the broken, the wayward and the wounded. 

As His disciples we are invited to do the same, to transfigure one another by the power of God’s love at work in us.

Sr. Mae McManus RSM  (Elphin Diocese)

Lent 2